But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
We are a community committed to loving God, loving all people, and following Jesus together.
This is the heart and soul of our community. We know the life that Jesus Christ wants us to take to the world starts with us. To see this life become the light for the world, we are a people who are deeply connected, continuously formed, and missionally engaged.
We live as followers of Jesus, growing in the Kingdom life through the practices of Jesus, such as prayer, worship, rest, generosity, hospitality, mission, and Scripture. These practices intentionally form us to be a community to go into our world to share Jesus and His Kingdom.
We live as followers of Jesus, growing in the Kingdom life through the practices of Jesus, such as prayer, worship, rest, generosity, hospitality, mission, and Scripture. These practices intentionally form us to be a community to go into our world to share Jesus and His Kingdom.
Engaging in YpsiFree opportunities helps you build deeper relational connections and be
formed into the likeness of Jesus. Gather and be part of the journey!
formed into the likeness of Jesus. Gather and be part of the journey!
Latest Sermon
Catch up on our latest sermon to be inspired and encouraged in your walk with Jesus. Each message is designed to help you grow in faith, understand Scripture, and live out the Kingdom life in practical ways. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and be equipped for the journey ahead!
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