
Local Missions

COmmunity Schools

We partner with our neighborhood elementary schools to encourage teachers, support students, and assist the administration.

CRU  |  Eastern Michigan University

Cru ministers on the campus of EMU helping college students connect with a mentor, discover their purpose and live that out in community. They achieve these goals through small group bible studies on campuses, large group meetings, and personal mentorship.

CRU  |  Michigan State University

We’ve partnered with MSU leaders Brian and Robin Langford for many years as they’ve faithfully continued to minister the Gospel on campus in Lansing. 

Global  Missions

At YpsiFree we believe in sustaining mutual partnerships with international missionaries. These global leaders are our friends and colleagues in ministry and we are honored to be an ongoing part of this work.  

Brent – Creative Access Country
Keith & Julie – Creative Access Country, FMWM

Columbia | Thad & Nikki Roller

The Rollers primary strategic focus is to help fuel a church planting movement by investing in and mobilizing Colombian leaders for transformational impact around the country and beyond. 

Brazil | Dan & Hope Owsley

 Dan and Hope Owsley have been serving the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1988. As Free Methodist missionaries, they have been blessed to be a part of many church plants. Often the churches were started by Brazilian “pioneers” and Dan and Hope came along to train the newly formed leadership and to help disciple new believers. In 2020 they moved back to São Paulo where Dan is heavily involved in the Free Methodist seminary. Hope enjoys teaching theology and inductive Bible study, as well as discipling women who feel called into ministry. The Owsleys have four adult sons living in the U.S. 

Kenya | Russ & Beth White

We have spent the last 20 years at Tenwek Hospital, where Russ has been a surgeon and Beth his support—a stay-at-home Mom, homeschool/co-op teacher, and part of the Tenwek community. Russ was recently awarded a grant to begin funding a new cardiothoracic program at Tenwek. God has been good in the many ways He has provided! Tenwek’s motto is “We Treat, Jesus Heals.” We have seen this to be true over and over, and we look forward to the humbling ways He will continue to show us in the future.